2. Distributed Computing

This code has been tested on NimbleBox.ai instance with two Nvidia-T4 cards.

In this section we will see how you can train 1Bn+ parameter models directly from gperc using GPipe that allows model parallelism while avoiding the bottleneck that comes with using large batches by spliting the compute for each batch in mini-batches so devices have higher utilisation.

Alternative text

Some reference papers:

1. torch GPipe: This paper extends the original Gpipe for torch.

2. The code from above paper was added into the pytorch and this blog has tutorial for it.

Using GPipe

I won’t go into details of why GPipe was built and how pytorch handles it internally but rather go over the coding decisions.

  1. All the functions take in dedicated keywords in the forward() method because sending ina tuple that can then be split requires serious modification to the pytorch source code that can be a tiresome and tedious process. Example:

# forward method for Embeddings Module
def forward(self, input_array, attention_mask=None, output_array=None)
  1. Now the attention_mask and output_array can be None but when using Pipe pytorch consumes only tensors and so I have added this weird quirk where you can send in tensors with same first dimension with values -69 for ignoring attention_mask and -420 for ignoring output_array. Yes very childish, I know. So in the script you will see code like this:

# output_array needs to be set None so be pass tensor with values -420
model_input = (
   torch.tensor([-420. for _ in range(inputs.shape[0])]).cuda(0)
  1. You will need to experiment with values chunks (total number of chunks to break the input into) and partition_len (number of modules on each chip). Returned attentions list also is chunked ie.

chunks = 16; batch_size = 32
output, attentions = model(*model_input)

# number of attentions == number of chunks
len(attentions) # 16

# batch size of attention layer is batch_size / chunks
attentions[0][0].shape[0] == 2

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