Source code for gperc.models

Perceiver Model

This file has code on the neural network of the pervceiver architecture. ``gperc.models.Perceiver`` sits at
the heart of this project.

import torch
from torch import nn

[docs]def build_position_encoding(position_encoding_type, config, num_index_items, emb_dim): r"""Get the positional encoding matrix. If ``position_encoding_type == "trainable"`` then a random normal matrix is returned, if it is "sinusoid" then Args: position_encoding_type (str): type of embedding, should be one of "trainable", "sinusoid" config: ``gperc.PerceiverConfig`` num_index_items (int): number of items in the embedding, eg. ``vocab_size`` emb_dim (int): embedding dimension Returns: ``torch.nn.Parameter``: Item that can be used as a parameter in a ``torch.nn.Embedding`` """ if position_encoding_type == "trainable": # first define the positional encodings latent_pos_emb = nn.Parameter(torch.normal(mean=0.0, std=config.pos_init_std, size=(num_index_items, emb_dim))) return latent_pos_emb elif position_encoding_type == "sinusoid": # then define the positional encodings def get_pos_encoding(position): return torch.sin(position / (10000 ** (2 * (position / num_index_items)))) return nn.Parameter(torch.stack([get_pos_encoding(i) for i in range(num_index_items)]).unsqueeze(0))
[docs]class Block(nn.Module): def __init__(self, kv_dim, q_dim, num_heads, ffw_dim, dropout=0.0, add_residual=False): r"""Generic block with Attention and MLP layers Args: kv_dim (int): dimension of the key-value embeddings q_dim (int): dimension of the query embeddings num_heads (int): number of heads in the multihead attention ffw_dim (int): dimension of the feed-forward layer dropout (float, optional): dropout rate add_residual (bool, optional): whether to add residual to the query """ super().__init__() assert q_dim % num_heads == 0, "Latent Dimension must be divisible by number of heads" self.kv_dim = kv_dim self.q_dim = q_dim self.dim = q_dim self.num_heads = num_heads self.ffw_dim = ffw_dim self.add_residual = add_residual # layer norm the inputs self.lnkv = nn.LayerNorm(kv_dim) self.lnq = nn.LayerNorm(q_dim) # items for attention self.fv = nn.Linear(kv_dim, q_dim) = nn.Linear(kv_dim, q_dim) self.fq = nn.Linear(q_dim, q_dim) self.drop_att = nn.Dropout(dropout) = nn.Linear(q_dim, q_dim) # items for mlp self.lnqkv = nn.LayerNorm(q_dim) self.mlp = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(q_dim, ffw_dim), nn.GELU(), nn.Linear(ffw_dim, q_dim), ) self.drop_mlp = nn.Dropout(dropout)
[docs] def forward(self, kv, q): r"""Forward pass of the block that taken in a a key-value tensor and a query tensor and performs the attention and mlp layers. Since it consumes ``kv`` and ``q`` seperately, the blocks are responisble for cross attention like features. Returns a Args: kv (torch.Tensor): tensor to extract information from q (torch.Tensor): tensor for querying the information Returns: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: tuple of output Tensor and Attention matrix """ # first layer norm the inputs # print("kv", kv.shape) # print("q", q.shape) _q = self.lnq(q) _kv = self.lnkv(kv) # print("q:", q.shape) # print("kv:", kv.shape) # then compute the query, key, value and split for multihead attention Q, K, V = self.fq(_q),, self.fv(_kv) # Q = einops(Q, 'b n d -> b h n m', d = self.q_dim, n = self.num_heads, m = self.q_dim // self.num_heads) # K = einops.rearrange(K, 'b n d -> b h n m', d = self.kv_dim, n = self.num_heads, m = self.kv_dim // self.num_heads) # V = einops.rearrange(V, 'b n d -> b h n m', d = self.kv_dim, n = self.num_heads, m = self.kv_dim // self.num_heads) Q, K, V = tuple(map(lambda x: x.view(x.shape[0], self.num_heads, -1, x.shape[-1] // self.num_heads), (Q, K, V))) # print("Q:", Q.shape) # print("K:", K.shape) # print("V:", V.shape) # print(K.permute(0, 1, 3, 2).shape) A = Q @ K.permute(0, 1, 3, 2) * (self.dim ** -0.5) # [b, h, n, e/h] @ [b, h, e/h, m] -> [b, h, n, m] A = self.drop_att(A.softmax(dim=-1)) # [b, h, n, m] # print("A:", A.shape) # print((A @ V).shape) out = (A @ V).reshape((q.shape[0], -1, self.q_dim)) # [b, h, n, m] @ [b, h, m, e/h] -> [b, h, n, e/h] -> [b, n, e] # print("out:", out.shape) out = # print("out:", out.shape) # Optionally include a residual to the query. # Consider omitting the residual if the semantics of query and output # are different, e.g. if queries are positions and outputs are pixels. if self.add_residual: out = out + q # print(">>>>>>>>", out.shape) # now we will pass it through the mlp out = self.mlp(self.lnqkv(out)) + out out = self.drop_mlp(out) return out, A
[docs]class Encoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): r"""Generic Encoder Block of the model which takes in ``input_array`` as key-value and \ ``latent_array`` as query. Args: config: Config """ super().__init__() self.encoder_block = Block( kv_dim=config.input_dim, q_dim=config.latent_dim, num_heads=config.num_heads, ffw_dim=config.ffw_latent, dropout=config.dropout, add_residual=True, )
[docs] def forward(self, input_array, latent_query): r"""Performs the forward pass of the encoder block. Args: input_array (torch.Tensor): Input array to the Encoder block, read paper for reference latent_query (torch.Tensor): Latent query to the Encoder block, read paper for reference Returns: Tuple[torch.Tensor, List[torch.Tensor]]: The output of the encoder block and the attention matrices """ out, A = self.encoder_block(input_array, latent_query) return out, [A]
[docs]class Processor(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): r"""Generic Processor Block of the model which takes in ``latent_array`` as key-value-query Args: config: Config """ super().__init__() self.processors = nn.ModuleList( [ Block( kv_dim=config.latent_dim, q_dim=config.latent_dim, num_heads=config.num_heads, ffw_dim=config.ffw_latent, dropout=config.dropout, add_residual=True, ) for _ in range(config.num_layers) ] )
[docs] def forward(self, x): r"""Performs the forward pass of the processor block. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Input array to the Processor block, this should always be the latent_array Returns: Tuple[torch.Tensor, List[torch.Tensor]]: The output of the processor block and the attention matrices """ attentions = [] for i, processor in enumerate(self.processors): x, A = processor(x, x) attentions.append(A) return x, attentions
[docs]class Decoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): r"""Generic Decoder Block of the model which takes in ``latent_array`` as key-value and \ ``output_array`` as query. Args: config: Config """ super().__init__() def __check_conditionals(): assert config.decoder_cross_attention or config.decoder_projection, "Must have either cross attention or projection" if config.decoder_projection: assert hasattr(config, "n_classes") and config.n_classes, "Must have n_classes > 0 if using projection" __check_conditionals() self.config = config if config.decoder_cross_attention: self.decoder_block = Block( kv_dim=config.latent_dim, q_dim=config.output_dim, num_heads=config.num_heads, ffw_dim=config.ffw_latent, dropout=config.dropout, add_residual=config.decoder_residual, ) if config.decoder_projection: self.projection = nn.Linear(config.latent_dim, config.n_classes)
[docs] def forward(self, latents, decoder_query): r"""Performs the forward pass of the decoder block. Args: latents (torch.Tensor): Latent array to the Decoder block, read paper for reference decoder_query (torch.Tensor): Output array to the Decoder block, read paper for reference Returns: Tuple[torch.Tensor, List[torch.Tensor]]: The output of the decoder block and the attention matrices """ attentions = [] if self.config.decoder_cross_attention: x, A = self.decoder_block(latents, decoder_query) attentions.append(A) else: x = latents.mean(dim=1) if hasattr(self, "projection"): x = self.projection(x) return x, attentions
[docs]class Perceiver(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config, input_preprocessing=None, output_postprocessing=None): r"""Unassuming Perceiver Architecture that sits at the heart of this project. Args: config: Config input_preprocessing (Callable, optional): callable object that takes in ``input_array`` and performs \ operation on it. output_postprocessing (Callable, optional): callable object that takes in ``output_array`` and performs \ operation on it. """ super().__init__() self.config = config self.input_preprocessing = input_preprocessing self.output_postprocessing = output_postprocessing self.pos_emb_latent = build_position_encoding("trainable", config, config.latent_len, config.latent_dim) self.pos_emb_decoder = build_position_encoding("trainable", config, config.output_len, config.output_dim) self.encoder = Encoder(config) self.processor = Processor(config) self.decoder = Decoder(config)
[docs] def num_parameters(self, include_non_trainable: bool = True): r"""function that returns the number of parameters in the modle Args: include_non_trainable (bool, optional): If true includes tensors that have ``requires_grad=False`` as well Returns: int: number of parameters in the model """ if include_non_trainable: return sum(p.numel() for p in self.parameters()) else: return sum(p.numel() for p in self.parameters() if p.requires_grad)
[docs] def forward(self, input_array: torch.Tensor, output_array: torch.Tensor = None, return_attentions: bool = False): r"""Performs the forward pass of the Perceiver. Args: input_array (torch.Tensor): Input array to the Perceiver, read paper for reference output_array (torch.Tensor, optional): Output array to the Perceiver, read paper for reference return_attentions (bool, optional): If true returns the attention matrices Returns: Tuple[torch.Tensor, List[torch.Tensor]] if ``return_attentions`` is True else torch.Tensor: \ The output of the Perceiver and the attention matrices """ if self.input_preprocessing: input_array = self.input_preprocessing(input_array) assert len(input_array.shape) == 3, "Input array must be of shape (batch_size, input_len, input_dim)" # enc -> proc -> decode latent_array =[self.pos_emb_latent[None, ...] for _ in range(input_array.shape[0])], dim=0) latents, enc_att = self.encoder(input_array, latent_array) latents, proc_att = self.processor(latents) if output_array is None: decoder_query =[self.pos_emb_decoder[None, ...] for _ in range(latents.shape[0])], dim=0) else: decoder_query = output_array + self.pos_emb_decoder[None, ...] # add the positional embedding to output array out, dec_att = self.decoder(latents, decoder_query) if self.output_postprocessing: out = self.output_postprocessing(out) if return_attentions: return out, [*enc_att, *proc_att, *dec_att] else: return out
# ====== use case specific models ====== #
[docs]class PerceiverMLM(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.emb = torch.nn.Embedding(config.vocab_size, config.input_dim) self.pos_emb = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.normal(mean=0, std=0.02, size=(config.input_len, config.input_dim))) self.perc = Perceiver(config)
[docs] def num_parameters(self): return sum(p.numel() for p in self.parameters() if p.requires_grad)
[docs] def forward(self, x): pos =[self.pos_emb[None, ...] for _ in range(x.shape[0])], dim=0) x = self.emb(x) + pos logits = self.perc(x, x) return logits
[docs]class PerceiverImage(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.config = config self.emb = build_position_encoding("trainable", config, 1024, 3) self.perceiver = Perceiver(config)
[docs] def num_parameters(self): return sum(p.numel() for p in self.parameters() if p.requires_grad)
[docs] def forward(self, x): pos_emb =[self.emb[None, ...] for _ in range(x.shape[0])], dim=0) out = x + pos_emb return self.perceiver(out)